Ring Of Honor TV Report (10/20): All Titles On The Line

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's coverage of Ring of Honor TV! There's a huge show this week, with all three RoH titles on the line

Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships
Roderick Strong and Jimmy Jacobs (with Adam Page and BJ Whitmer) vs. Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly (c)

Kyle and Jacobs lock up to start it off, and O'Reilly grabs a side head lock. Kyle hits a kick to the chest but he misses a clothesline right after. Jacobs counters with a head scissors. Kyle tags in Bobby Fish following a jawbreaker. Jacobs starts to choke Fish and works his way to his corner to tag in Strong. Fish hits a knee to the midsection and he sends Strong into the corner.

Fish and O'Reilly work strong over, focusing on his shoulder. Jacobs trips Kyle which leads to Strong connecting with a leg lariat. Jacobs tags in and sends O'Reilly into the turnbuckles. Jacobs with a slam and then stomps O'Reilly.

Strong tags in and he whips Kyle into Jacobs' boot. Strong with a backbreaker and Jacobs with a back senton off Strong's shoulders that allows Strong to get a near fall. O'Reilly reverses momentum and hits a double dragon screw leg whip.

Fish gets a big tag and cleans house, scoring on a dragon screw leg whip of his own on Jacobs. Fish with a back elbow to Strong, but Jacobs gets a near fall. Jacobs goes for the head scissors. Fish tries to block it but can't.

Fish with a snap suplex before making the tag. O'Reilly gets a snap mare and knee drop to the chest for a two count. Kyle goes back to working the shoulder and tags Fish back. Fish with a belly-to-back suplex that gets two. Fish knocks Strong off the apron just before commercial.

Fish tags back in and he knocks Strong off the apron yet again. Assisted splash in the corner from ReDragon. Fish hits a back breaker and Kyle hits a knee off the turnbuckles. Fish gets a near fall but Strong breaks the count before 3. Fish goes back to punishing Jacobs.

Jacobs reverses momentum with a Diamond Cutter as Fish runs to the corner. Both men tag their teammates, and Strong lands a forearm to Fish followed by a chop to Kyle. Strong hits one of his signature back breakers and then hits a back drop to Fish onto Kyle. Strong and Kyle with a series of waistlocks reversed. Kyle backs Strong into the turnbuckles and Fish with a splash into the corner. Strong sends Fish into the corner and he runs into O'Reilly. Strong with an Angle Slam to Kyle. Strong pulls Kyle off the turnbuckles and hits a back breaker but only gets two.

Strong gets O'Reilly up on his shoulders but Kyle turns it into a guillotine. Fish goes after Jacobs, but runs into a guillotine of his own. Kyle and Jacobs trade punches while applying the guillotines, in a cool spot. Strong and Fish escape by sending their opponents into each other, which knocks everyone down.

Fish and Strong get up and hit forearms at the same time. Kyle with knees and a leg sweep to Strong. Jacobs tries to intervene but Kyle drops down as Jacobs goes over the top rope. Fish runs Jacobs into the guardrails.

Strong connects Sick Kick but Kyle kicks out. Strong goes for a back breaker but Kyle counters with a knee. BJ Whitmer distracts the referee and Page gives Strong a chair. Strong picks up the chair and throws it at Page. O'Reilly lands with a series of kicks and a forearm. ReDragon hits Chasing the Dragon for the three count.

Winners: Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish

Commercial time.

Cabana Cabana is backstage with comments from Jay Lethal and Truth Martini. Truth points out that Will eliminated Jay Lethal in the Honor Rumble and Lethal calls it a fluke. Lethal tells Truth what it means to be a champion. He says that he thought the Decade was cleaning up the streets in Ring of Honor to the young filth.

Ring of Honor Television Championship
Will Ferrara vs. Jay Lethal (c) (with Truth Martini)

The two agree on the Code of Honor as the match starts.

Lethal kicks Ferrara in the corner and then throws a punch and gets a warning from the ref. Lethal sends Ferrara over the top rope, but no DQ. Lethal sends Ferrara into the rails, then back into the ring. Lethal throws Ferrara over the top rope again, but still no DQ called.

Lethal chops Ferrara against him back into the ring. Lethal with a kick to the head that gets 2. Lethal slaps Ferrara in the back of the head and he tries to send Will over the top rope to the floor again. Ferrara lands on the apron and Ferrara swings but Lethal drop kicks Ferrara in the legs. Lethal chops Ferrara against the apron again and then Lethal sits on the apron next to Ferrara to get a photo.

They return to the ring and Lethal gets a near fall. They go back and forth with punches and Ferrara gains the advantage, but Lethal connects with a knee to stop him. It's short-lived however as Ferrara with an Irish whip and follows with three running elbows and a running shoulder in the corner.

Ferrara tries to suplex Lethal into the turnbuckles but Lethal blocks it. Ferrara with forearms to the back and succeeds with the suplex. Ferrara goes for a springboard tornado DDT but Lethal stops Will and hits a Lethal Combination. Lethal goes up top for the elbow drop but Ferrara gets his boot up, but Lethal avoids it.

Truth Martini tries to interfere, but no dice. Ferrara finally connects with the springboard tornado DDT that sends Lethal outside. Ferrara with a suicide dive onto Lethal and then they return to the ring. Ferrara with a German suplex for a near fall.

Ferrara walks right into a super kick and Lethal hits Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Ring of Honor World Championship
Match Number Three: Michael Bennett (with Maria Kanellis) versus Jay Briscoe

Jay pushes Bennett, and Bennett retaliates by slapping Jay and running to the floor. Bennett with forearms to the back as Jay slides back into the ring. The two continue to brawl until Jay gets Bennett into the corner

Briscoe lands a European uppercut and sends Bennett into the turnbuckles and connects with a series of short jabs before missing a splash in the corner. Bennett capitalizes with a suplex but only gets two. Bennett goes to the turnbuckles and Jay catches him and Briscoe sends him into the turnbuckles. Jay goes back to brawling, and the ref warns him for choking Bennett.

Jay slams Bennett hits a leg drop for a near fall. Briscoe kicks Bennett in the back and connects with European uppercuts. Jay with a clothesline into the corner followed by a snap mare and running boot. Jay clotheslines Bennett over the top rope as he's firmly in control.

Briscoe headbutts Bennett on the floor, and Bennett counters a European uppercut with a kick that sends Briscoe into the guardrails. Bennett takes Briscoe up the ramp and he tries to suplex Briscoe in front of the entrance. Briscoe turns it around and suplexes Bennett on the stage leading to a commercial.

Coming back, Briscoe with more European uppercuts. Bennett stops him with a kick to the chest but Briscoe fires back with a discus forearm. Briscoe lands a neck breaker for a near fall and kicks Bennett in the head.

Briscoe gets Bennett on his shoulders but Bennett elbows his way back to his feet. Bennett gets a super kick but Briscoe moves out of the way in the corner, causing Bennett to hit the turnbuckles. Jay goes for the Jay Driller but Bennett instead hits Paydirt and locks on the Anaconda Vice. Briscoe gets to the ropes.

They go to the apron and Bennett sets for an apron piledriver until the referee stops him. The distraction allows Briscoe to throw several head butts. Maria gets on the apron to distract Jay. Bennett's spear attempt is blocked by a kick and Briscoe hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron and both men go to the floor.

Back in the ring Bennett catches Briscoe with a big spear and he gets a near fall. Bennett tries to set up a Twist of Fate, but Briscoe counters with a sleeper, but Bennett gets to the ropes.

Briscoe with kicks head butts in the corner, and Briscoe sets up for the Jay Driller. Maria sends the furry pink belt into the ring and Jay gets distracted while the referee removes the belt. Bennett with a low blow and he hits a piledriver but Jay kicks out.

Bennett goes up top and he misses a swanton. Jay hits Jay Driller for the win.

Winner: Jay Briscoe

After the match, Maria acts like she is going to hit Briscoe with the furry pink belt. Jay sets for a Jay Driller on Maria but Adam Cole makes the save. Mark Briscoe comes to the ring and he works over Adam Cole.

Matt Taven comes to the ring and he grabs Maria's furry belt and hits Mark Briscoe with it, then reveals a Kingdom shirt underneath. Adam Cole hits Jay Briscoe with the title belt as credits roll.

