Chris Jericho Praises Dean Ambrose (Video), News From The WrestleMania 31 Pre-Sale, Eaton
- Chris Jericho cut a promo after last night's main event at the WWE live event in Glasgow, Scotland and put over Dean Ambrose big time, as seen in the video above. Jericho said he believes Ambrose is the next big thing in WWE and is taking over one day. They ended the show with some air guitar.
- Wrestling legend "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton will be appearing at the big WrestleCade event on November 29th in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Eaton was last hospitalized back in September and this would be one of his first few appearances since getting back to work.
- The WrestleMania 31 pre-sale that began on Thursday was said to be a big success with WWE moving a ton of tickets, according to PWInsider.