Chris Jericho Teases Meeting With The Authority, More On WWE Tryouts, Hawkins Launches Series

- Former WWE Superstar Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers) has a new YouTube show series out that follows him on the road working indies. Above is episode 1 of Making Towns.

- We noted before that WWE NXT trainer Robbie Brookside was at this week's WWE TV tapings in Liverpool, where he's from. Most of the UK wrestlers who worked tryouts and appeared as extras at this week's tapings were from Brookside's School of Wrestling in Leicester. On a related note, the other man who teamed with Nathan Cruz to face The Usos in Tuesday's dark match was Justin Sysum.

- Chris Jericho posted the following on Instagram and teased a secret meeting with The Authority. As noted, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H will be guests on The Highlight Reel this Friday.

Secret meeting...? #whatsupwiththat #wweLiverpool @wwe #survivorseries @tripleh @stephaniemcmahon

Una foto pubblicata da Chris Jericho (@chrisjerichofozzy) on

