More Details On Production Problems At TNA Tapings, Where David Sahadi Was, NYC Return?

- The next set of TNA TV tapings won't take place until the upcoming UK tour. There's talk of returning to New York City for more tapings in March.

- We noted before that David Sahadi, who usually directs the Impact TV shows, was not at this week's tapings in NYC and there appeared to be some missed spots because of that. Sahadi was in Nashville at the TNA studios overseeing the installment of and working on the new post-production equipment that TNA will be using to edit their shows going forward.

- Regarding the stalling and production issues at the Wednesday night tapings, TNA was using the Manhattan Center's production equipment and the entire control board went down at one point. After they got it back running, it went down again. Officials were about to put a dark match in the ring but they finally got it working again. This apparently was when fans were chanting "we want wrestling" at Jeremy Borash. Our correspondent called the stalling "pathetic."

