WWE Smackdown Results (1/2/15): Roman Reigns Vs. Rusev, Show Vs. Ryback, Edge & Christian Host

- Edge & Christian are out to the ring with Tony Chimel announcing them. The announce team said that the two have sued the WWE for millions for breach of contract.

J & J Security are shown arriving in a limo and make their way to the ring to Rollins' theme music. Edge tells J & J security to go over the bottom rope next time if the second one is too high.

J & J read a statement from The Authority naming them official "observers" of Smackdown, and that they'd tattle on E&C for doing anything wrong.

Edge teases booking J&J against Ryback, but instead books Big Show vs. Ryback. Christian one-ups him by booking Roman Reigns vs. Rusev. Noble & Mercury say everything they do tonight will go on their permanent file.

Bray Wyatt vs. Erick Rowan

Wyatt screams for Rowan to lay down and asks if he remembers him. Rowan says no and gets hit in the face. Rowan tosses Wyatt to the mat, but gets bounced from the ring and slammed into the ring post.

Wyatt drags him in the ring and applies a chin lock, but Rowan breaks free with an elbow and runs over Wyatt. He attacks Wyatt with clotheslines in the corner as Wyatt pleads for him. Rowan says he's sorry but Wyatt catches him with Sister Abigail for the win.

Winner: Bray Wyatt via pinfall (Sister Abigail)

Wyatt says that his rivalry with Ambrose ends Monday with Ambrose being put in an ambulance.

- J & J Security interrupt Edge & Christian's 5 second pose in the hallway and do their own.

Gold & Stardust & Adam Rose (w/ Exotic Express) vs. R-Truth & The Usos

R-Truth gets a "Whoomp there it is" chant going about 22 years too late, and tries to roll up Rose but can't get the pin. Jimmy Uso is tagged in but is pulled from the ring as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break Stardust is laying a beating down on Jey Uso, and tags in Adam Rose who utilizes his knees to punish his foe. Uso fights back with a couple of punches, but Goldust is tagged in and drops Uso again.

Uso knocks Rose & Stardust of the apron and tosses Goldust from the ring and tags in Jimmy, who dominates Rose with his comeback sequence. Goldust tries to break it up but R-Truth lands a kick and a slingshot body press to the outside. Stardust comes down onto Truth with the Falling Star.

Back inside the Usos hit a superkick/splash combo for the win.

Winners: Usos & R-Truth via pinfall (superkick/splash combo)

After the match, The Usos have a Young Bucks-style superkick party on the Exotic Express.

- WWE Shows the Daniel Bryan return speech.

Ryback vs. Big Show

Ryback goes to work on Big Show, but is quickly clotheslined from the ring. Show picks up Ryback and brings him back in the ring all the way from the inside.

Ryback hits a series of second rope axehandles and sets up for the Meat Hook, but Show rolls out of the ring before the commercial.

Back from the break Show lands a big chop to the chest, but Ryback tries to fight back only to get dropped by Show. Big Show exposes the previously injured leg of Ryback and goes to work on it.

Show ties Ryback up with the Haas Of Pain, but Ryback makes it to the ropes. Ryback tries to get Show off his feet, and finally does it with a Thesz press and a big splash. Ryback goes for a second rope splash bug Big Show catches him by the throat.

Ryback is able to escape and hit Show with a spinebuster. He sets up for the Meat Hook, but the Russian flag falls from the sky and Rusev comes out. Ryback hits the apron, but gets the WMD punch from Show and is counted out.

Winner: Big Show via countout (KO Punch)

After the match Rusev tries to attack Ryback, but Ryback fights back and Rusev takes off.

- Edge is backstage and J & J are looking for Christian. Edge says he's taking a dump and points to the restroom. Noble goes in and a woman screams. Edge moves and reveals a women's sign, then says Christian is in the men's room.

Los Matadores (w/ Torito) vs. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro (w/ Natalya)

Fernando and Diego hit a punch/neckbreaker combo on Kidd for a quick one count. Fernando dropkicks Kidd off the apron, but Cesaro catches him with a European uppercut off the suicide dive attempt.

Kidd is back in the ring, with he and Cesaro making quick tags while working Fernando over. A big double back body drop and a Cesaro Swing/kick combo gets a two count.

Kidd loses advantage as he's dropkicked coming off the top rope. Diego does a handstand headscissors to Cesaro from the corner, but gets caught with the Ricola Bomb/Blockbuster combo for the pin.

Winners: Tyson Kidd & Cesaro via pinfall (Ricola Bomb/Blockbuster combo)

Ambrose vs. Axel is up next.

Dean Ambrose vs. Curtis Axel

Ambrose attacks Axel before the bell and hits Dirty Deeds. No match.

Result: No Contest

Ambrose cuts a promo and runs down the things he's going to do to Bray Wyatt. He says he'll run over Wyatt. Damn.

- The Ascension flat out mention themselves in the same breath as the Road Warriors and Demolition in their new promo.

The Ascension vs. Rhett Titus & Lance Anoa'i

Poor opponents don't even get names on the broadcast, but it's Lance Anoa'i and Rhett Titus. The Ascension works on Titus shortly beore he tags in a Anoa'i, who eats the Fall of Man for the pin.

Winners: The Ascension via pinfall (Fall of Man)

- Edge and Christian draw all over Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's Muscle & Fitness cover backstage.

Rusev (w/ Lana) vs. Roman Reigns

The two lock up and push each other around until Rusev grabs a waistlock and repeatedly takes Reigns down. Reigns fights back with an elbow and punches before clotheslining Rusev out of the ring before the commercial.

Back from the break Rusev is working over Reigns, and hits him with a German suplex for a two count. Rusev is really going after the waistlock and related moves hard until he gives up and runs into Reigns and stomps on him.

A Bolo punch and a fallaway slam to Reigns gets a two count. Rusev locks on a head and arm sleeper, and Reigns fights out until he's kicked in the ribs.

Reigns is tossed outside twice and gets fired up. He comes in the ring and lands big clotheslines and a sunset schoolboy but can't get the pin. A belly-to-back suplex also gets Reigns two, and he sets up for the Superman punch but eats a dropkick from Rusev for a near fall.

Rusev goes for a big kick, but Reigns hits a Superman punch that knocks Rusev outside the ring. Big Show makes his way to the ring and Reigns Superman punches him and gets back in the ring. Rusev hits the big kick but Reigns kicks out at two.

Rusev misses the kick, Reigns counters with the spear. Big Show pulls Reigns out and attacks him for the DQ.

Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ

Show attacks Reigns and hits him with a Spear of his own. Show tries to chokeslam Reigns through the announce table, but Reigns gets out and hits the dropkick to Show. Reigns sends Show over the table, and Reigns turns it over onto Show to close Smackdown.

