Bad News Barrett Talks Wanting To Enter Main Event Picture, Sheamus Note, Big WWE Shop Sale
- ABC WSIL-TV 3 in Houston ran the story above about Sheamus recently meeting 7-year-old Ayden Bell in Houston last month via the the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Sheamus talked about meeting the fan and the importance of WWE's partnership with the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
"It's very, very humbling for me," Sheamus said. "I feel very honored. From my perspective and I know the perspective of the WWE Superstars too, it's more than just showing up. We make sure at the moment that the time we spend together is as special as we possibly can."
Ayden is battling cancer and his family set up a GoFundMe to help pay for his medical bills. You can donate to the fund by clicking here.
- The Herald Dispatch has an interview with WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett, who was promoting Sunday's WWE live event at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena in Huntington, WV. During the interview, Barrett talked about wanting to main event WrestleMania.
"I aim to break into that bracket," Barrett said. "I know I have what I need. If I get the opportunity, I have to cash in."
- Through this Friday night at 11:59pm ET, you can take 25% off title belts, 40% off t-shirts and 70% off DVDs and Blu-Ray at There is no code needed, just use this link.