Did Alberto Suffer A Concussion Last Night?, Tyson Kidd Turns On Hometown Fans, Bret Hart Backstage

- There were rumors that Alberto El Patron (Alberto Del Rio) suffered a concussion after hitting the guard rail on a dive at last night's Ring of Honor live event in Dayton, Ohio. According to F4Wonline.com, Del Rio did not suffer a concussion but did take a bump on the rail. He was bleeding from the top of his head and from his mouth or nose. Alberto worked a match against former ROH Champion Roderick Strong and won with the cross armbreaker.

- Hometown star Tyson Kidd turned on fans at today's WWE live event in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Kidd came out wearing a Calgary Flames jersey but took it off to reveal an Edmonton Oilers jersey. The WWE Universe Twitter account posted the following photos:

- On a related note, WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart was backstage for the live event in Calgary today. Here he is with Kidd and Cesaro:

