Roman Reigns On Making The Spear His Own, Triple H - Jon Jones Photo, WWE Network Reminder
- As noted earlier, Roman Reigns was recently interviewed on Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast. You can check out highlights from the podcast here, but there is a lot of chatter online about this quote Reigns gave when discussing his critics (props to Sports World News for the transcription):
"The majority of critics are people who have no clue what they're talking about, been in a wrestling ring, been a public speaker, and wouldn't even lock up with me. They would have no clue what to do. So, for them to critique or ever say anything about any performer is asinine and just blows my mind.
"My goal is hopefully make everyone happy and be satisfied with the product that I've created. People don't realize is I created a product – a Superman punch – and taken a spear and made it my own. There's a lot of things that I've done that I've created, so there's a lot of opinions that I have that I'm not going to budge on."
- Just a reminder that the WWE Network is free for new subscribers this month. You can sign up for the Network by clicking here.
- UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones posted the photo below of himself, his brother Chandler of the New England Patriots and Triple H doing the DX chop after the Patriots Super Bowl victory last night:
LOS The Butcher contributed to this article.