Daniel Bryan Says He Got In Trouble Wrestling Luke Harper, Was Hurt At Last Year's WrestleMania

Daniel Bryan appeared on Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast this week to talk WrestleMania, his ladder match and more. You can catch the highlights below, or the full video above:

* Bryan is asked if he's relieved to not have the media duties he did last year. He said while it's a relief, if he could switch places and be in the main event, he would be.

* Bryan says there's as much pressure this year because he and the other six guys want to steal the show, but now the fans are expecting him to steal the show.

* Bryan said that this year he knew going in to the Royal Rumble the crowd was going to be the way it was. He said he just takes his marching orders and ended up ok.

* Bryan is asked if performing at WrestleMania causes more pressure, and Bryan says only because it's in an open air stadium and the noise travels up and out of the stadium.

* He says his training hasn't changed up much for the ladder match, he just wanted to come into the match not hurt.

* Bryan says that he had neck problems going in to last year's WrestleMania.

* He says he doesn't wrestle safe, and he likes pushing it to the limit. He says he got in trouble for getting suplexed on his head against Luke Harper.

* He's been told by the higher level WWE officials that he needs to stop doing things the way he is. He says Chris Amann isn't one of those people, when one of the hosts joked about it. He says WWE is looking out for his best interests.

* They joke that Daniel Bryan has a huge reality show background to fall back on if wrestling fails.

* Sam Roberts says that he wants the video to get a lot of hits to prove that Bryan is marketable. Bryan says he doesn't know if that would help him or hurt him.

