Goldust Says He's Getting Better And Better, Footage From WWE On The Soup, WrestleMania Today Clips

- Above and below are videos from Friday's episode of WrestleMania Today with John Cena, Dusty Rhode and "Mean" Gene Okerlund.

- Goldust wrote the following on Twitlonger about being in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 31 on Sunday:

"Very honored and proud to be here at #wm31 . Goldust was born 20 yrs ago and you fans have not stopped enjoying me. Than you!! Getting better and better! Remember the name #ThenNowForeverGoldust. Lets go win the #AndreMemorialBattleRoyal. @wwe"

- WWE posted this video looking at the "The Soup Salutes WWE: Piledriving Clips in Your Face III" special on E! from last night:

