Rumors On A WrestleMania 31 Return, Heel Turn, Post 'Mania Plans For Daniel Bryan And More

We noted earlier this week via Reddit user MetsFan4Ever, who has broke several WWE stories in the past, that WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was close to re-signing with the company and there was talk of keeping the title on him at WrestleMania 31. Then the idea would be to have John Cena take the United States Title and Daniel Bryan win the Intercontinental Title a a way to elevate both of those titles. It should be noted that this report is just a rumor for now.


MetsFan has posted an update and says another idea being tossed around is for Sheamus to make his surprise return in the Intercontinental Title Ladder Match at WrestleMania. According to this report, the feeling is that Sheamus will be cheered heavily but will "heel it up" throughout the match. At some point, Sheamus would cost Bryan the match and win the title.

This would then lead to a feud with a heel Sheamus vs. a babyface Bryan for the Intercontinental Title. It should be noted that this is another rumor but since his original report about WWE elevating both secondary titles, there have been signs from within WWE and from other sources that the reports could be true. He did add that this plan is less likely to happen than the original idea of Bryan winning the title but it is still being discussed.

