Scotty 2 Hotty On Not Getting A Mention In Rikishi's WWE Hall Of Fame Speech Last Night
- Many people noticed how 2015 WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi did not mention Too Cool partners Scotty 2 Hotty or Brian Christopher in his speech. Scotty went on Twitter and re-tweeted comments from fans about how Rikishi should have mentioned them also. He also tweeted his own comments:
In Dec. 99, 3 guys that were pretty much obsolete in the wrestling biz came together and made each other. 1 apparently doesn't remember that
— Scotty 2 Hotty (@TheScotty2Hotty) March 29, 2015
It's not at all bitter, its hurt. RT @NishaBuu: Sounds like @TheScotty2Hotty is bitter
— Scotty 2 Hotty (@TheScotty2Hotty) March 29, 2015
It's not at all about us being in the HOF. He absolutely deserves it. Just as we deserved a mention.
— Scotty 2 Hotty (@TheScotty2Hotty) March 29, 2015