WWE Finishing Move Video Goes Viral, WWE 2K Tournament News, Jerry Lawler's DVD, Alex Riley
- YouTube entertainers Joe Weller and The Merrell Twins have a new video that has gone viral. It features Joe doing WWE finishing moves to the girls and has racked up over 1 million views in just a few days. The video is above.
- 2K Sports has announced Paige, Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler and Xavier Woods to appear at the 2K Tournament of Champions that will take place during WrestleMania 31 Axxess. They're running a contest where fans can upload videos telling why they should represent one of the Superstars at the tournament. Four winners will receive a ticket to WrestleMania, travel, lodging, $250 spending money, tickets to Axxess and more. Full details on the contest are at this link.
- WrestlingDVDNews.com reports that the title of WWE's upcoming Jerry Lawler DVD has been shortened from "It's Good To Be King: The Jerry Lawler Story" to "Jerry Lawler: It's Good To Be King." It will still feature a documentary and is scheduled to come out in May.
- As noted, Alex Riley made the decision on NXT to give up his spot at the announce table and return to the ring. He's feuding with NXT Champion Kevin Owens and will face CJ Parker next week. Riley tweeted the following last night:
I want u to take all my love, all my hate, all my joy, all my pain, and use it, I want u to expose it @WWE @WWENXT never forget #TimeToRage
? Alex Riley (@AlexRileyWWE) March 5, 2015