WWE Live Event Results From Rochester (3/6): Cena Vs. Rollins, Rusev Vs. Ryback, Daniel Bryan

Thanks to WrestlingINC.com reader Chuck for these results for tonight's WWE live event in Rochester, NY. Nathan Colley contributed to this article:

Great show in Rochester tonight! Kicked of with BNB vs dean Ambrose. Good match, Dean picks up the win. It's cool he is very fan friendly, seemed like he went out of his to slap as many hands as possible. Then bowed on his way out, very cool dude!

Divas tag team Bella's vs Natalya & AJ... AJ got a huge pop and won with her submission. A rather good match given ample time.

Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler, probably match of the night, phenomenal with Harper getting hometown pops and a lets go Ziggler...lets go Harper back and forth. Harper played off the crowd great. He needs to be booked better, so good! Ziggler usual greatness. Ziggler won then shook hand with Harper to applause, then Harper hits Ziggler with the spinning clothesline. Good stuff!

Tag team triple threat with Miz/ Mizdow, Axelmania / Adam Rose, Prime time players. Mizdow and Axel stole the show, not real memorable match, but Mizdow was great and Axel is hilarious with the hulk gimmick. At the end they both posed to "Real American" and even brought in the Ref and ring announcer. Axel is hilarious and showing great personality with this.

Kane vs Daniel Bryan... of course exploding into YES chants. Good match, Bryan doing some fun stuff and wins with the knee. Crowd pleaser!

US title match between Rusev and Ryback and was very good. I thought they put on a really good and surprising match. Rusev won by pinfall as Lana tossed Rybacks leg off the rope before the ref saw it. Big pop for Ryback and feed me more chants.

Main event was street fight: John Cena vs Seth Rollins... and was excellent. Very pro Cena crowd... exploded for Cena. Rollins went to two tables, the ending being an AA of the top rope into table. Fun stuff with J and J security, very entertaining match. The crowd was great, very alive lots of energy. Had a blast and really wasn't a bad match on the card.

