More From CM Punk: AJ Lee, UFC Offer, Being Called Out, Typical Day, Movie Audition, Star Wars, More

Thanks to our friends at the Eat Sleep Podcast @ESPRpodcast for tweeting us these highlights from the CM Punk panel at C3E2 earlier today. For more from today's panel, click here.

- On MMA fighter Jason David Frank, better known as the Green Power Ranger, challenging him, Punk said, "shut the f-ck up."

- Fighters calling him out are "trying to get that CM Punk money."

- UFC flew to Chicago and made him an offer. "Nobody has offered me that much money to be beat up before."

- He's probably going to fight at 170 (welterweight). "Not focused on winning championships, just getting out there and having fun."

- He'll make his UFC debut when his coaches say he's ready. He doesn't think his UFC debut will be in Chicago. If it was, it would be too much pressure.

- He loves fighting because it's honest. One guy wins, one guy loses.

- Training for MMA has been similar in difficulty to training for wrestling.

- He never used to think much about being a role model. Now he sees it as a responsibility.

- His typical day: Wake up. Walk dog. Feed dog. Feed wife. Take a nap.

- "People tell people I'm a cocky dick all the time. Just be yourself. The world would be a better place."

- If he could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, it would be Bruce Lee.

- AJ Lee is his favorite action star. "She's a little ass kicker."

- He said that he auditioned for the second Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie but won't reveal which role. The movie still hasn't been cast.

- He has "huge boner" for the new Star Wars trailer. Says it alone is better than Phantom Menace.

- If he had to pick superpower it'd be invisibility, reading minds and flight.

