Triple H Talks About The Notion That He Buries People, Common Misconceptions In Wrestling

Triple H appeared on an episode of the Tim Ferriss Show to discuss his diet, workout and mentality for the Four Hour Work Week website. In addition to those topics, he also spoke about the notion that he "buries" people.

"That's one of the terms, 'he buried him.' It's a show. Comic books, soap opera, TV drama, it never ends. They get so upset in the moment of thinking that it's the end of the chapter. There's another chapter tomorrow. They don't understand the complexities of what goes on behind the scenes," said Triple H

Triple H had been speaking about common misconceptions about himself and the WWE, and would go on to mention that people who hate wrestling will probably hate it no matter what, and people who like it will continue to like it no matter what.

You can listen to the full podcast at this link. Triple H also speaks about moves he won't take in the ring, his relationship with Vince McMahon, and how he decided to switch his training up after sustaining a severe injury a few years ago.

