Chris Jericho's Twitter Account Hacked, WWE Shop Donating Proceeds, WWE YouTube Show Returning

- WWE has been giving 10% of proceeds to Hire Heroes USA this weekend for the Memorial Holiday. The promotion runs through today.

- Chris Jericho's Twitter account was hacked by a group called the Galvanize Mob this morning. As of this writing, they still have control of the account and have been tweeting very bad messages to Triple H and Vince McMahon. They also posted some negative messages pretending to be from Jericho. You can see NSFW screenshots of the tweets here and here but they do contain graphic language.

- The WWE Warehouse show on YouTube will be returning this summer. Joey Styles noted on Twitter that he and the WWE Archivist are filming a new episode during the first week of June.

Brian Ahern and Ian Sterrick contributed to this article.

