Daniel Bryan Sneak Peek Trailer, Sunny On Adult Film Reports, Joey Styles Says NXT Is Like ECW

- Above is a preview for the Daniel Bryan DVD Sneak Peek that airs on the WWE Network after tonight's RAW.

- Despite making comments to TMZ last week, WWE Hall of Famer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch is still downplaying the reports of her negotiating with Vivid Entertainment to star in adult movies. She wrote the following on Facebook yesterday:

"FYI: There is no definitive decision of me doing any kind of "video". I was approached, but no decision or negotiations have been made. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. If you do, you're more stupid than you already were."

- A fan on Twitter wrote WWE's Joey Styles and said pro wrestling hasn't been good since the original ECW days, which Styles obviously played a big role in. Styles replied and said WWE NXT is very much like the original ECW, but without the mindless bloody violence. Styles also replied to another fan who said mindless bloody violence is a good thing. Below are his tweets:

