Dolph Ziggler Working With Comedy Central?, Hulk Hogan Dodges Cameras At Airport, Jerry Lawler Day

- The Baltimore Sun posted the video above of Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart at an airport recently. Hogan says he can't sign autographs because the cameras following him stress him out.

- Today is officially "Jerry Lawler Day" in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. May 9th, 1988 was the day Lawler won the AWA World Title from Curt Hennig.

- has a clip from Dolph Ziggler's Wizard World Q&A in Philadelphia today. Ziggler reveals that he and his agent have been discussing ideas with some people from Comedy Central. He also mentioned doing more stand-up and improv comedy in the coming months. Ziggler added that everything else he is doing goes back to making him a better WWE Superstar.

