Bad News Regarding Awesome Steve Austin Story, Eugene Note, King Barrett Wants WWE Championship
- The Jakarta Post has a story about King Barrett at this link, who was promoting the WWE live event in Singapore that took place earlier. During the interview, he talked about wanting to be the first English wrestler to win the WWE Championship.
"That is definitely a goal of mine to the World Championship," Barrett said. "I need more time and I will wait for my opportunity and that is where I am at right now."
- In regards to the great Steve Austin story that he recently told on his podcast involving him moonwalking in the shower while listening to Michael Jackson on Pandora and ending up with a bath scrubber in his ass, Austin admitted on a later podcast that he was just messing around. It's still a hilarious story, you can listen to it on the June 18th episode by clicking here, or read our recap of the story at this link.
- Former WWE star and NXT trainer Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore appeared on KWSN's SportsTalk with Craig and Chris earlier this week, which you can download and listen to here. During the interview, Dinsmore talked about wanting to open a WWE feeder school in Sioux Falls, SD.
"It seems to me like the right place, all the guys in the wrestling business that I know that came from the Midwest had to move east to be trained in the business," said Dinsmore. "I really want to make my niche as far as the business goes here in Sioux Falls."