Former UFC Fighter Wins Pro Wrestling Title, Movie Star Squashes John Cena Beef, Jimmy Snuka Message

- Former WWE Summerslam main eventer Zeus appeared on Another Wrestling Podcast, and talked about his beef with John Cena. He put an end to it, and invited Cena to come film a movie with him soon saying "WWE is a stepping stone". You can see the full video above.

- Former UFC fighter Matt Riddle continued his pro wrestling career this weekend by winning the Monster Factory Heavyweight Title. A couple of months ago, we exclusively reported that Riddle was getting an upcoming WWE tryout. You can see a photo of Riddle celebrating below.

- WWE Hall of Famer Superfly Jimmy Snuka also appeared on Another Wrestling Podcast while making an appearance at a fan festival. Snuka delivered a message, and says he's still wrestling. You can see the video below.

