WWE Battleground: Brock Lesnar Vs. Seth Rollins (WWE World Title Match)

- We get promos for SummerSlam and tonight's main event.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins by himself. Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are out next to a big pop. We get formal ring introductions from Lilian Garcia.


Rollins kisses the title before handing it off to the referee. The "Suplex City" chants start before the bell. The bell rings and Lesnar rams Rollins back in the corner and hits him with big shoulder thrusts. The referee backs him off. Lesnar grabs Rollin for a German but Rollins hits back elbows and retreats to the floor. Lesnar chases Rollins around the ring and back in. Rollins beats on Lesnar as he comes back in. Lesnar goes for a German but Rollins holds on to the ropes and hits a back kick. Rollins kicks at Lesnar's knees now. Lesnar catches him in mid-air. Lesnar goes for a F5 but Rollins escapes. Rollins comes from the top and Lesnar catches him for the first German of the match. Lesnar with another German.


Lesnar grabs Rollins for a third German as fans are counting now. Lesnar takes his time and tosses Rollins across the ring with a fourth German. Lesnar hits #5 as fans chant "Suplex City" again. Rollins ends up on the floor and has had enough. He grabs the title and tries to leave through the crowd. Lesnar comes leaping over the barrier and throws Rollins back across. Lesnar grabs the title and puts it back where it belongs while smiling. Lesnar rolls Rollins back in and hits German #6.

Lesnar keeps control and goes for another German but Rollins lands o his feet. Rollins focuses on the knees and takes Lesnar down to one knee. Rollins with kicks to the head. The third kick sends Lesnar int the ropes but he;'s up. Rollins with more kicks. Rollins goes for the Pedigree but Lesnar turns it into a F5 attempt. Rollins slides out and goes back to work on the knees. Rollins sends Lesnar out to the floor with a running knee to the back. Rollins runs the ropes and dives out, sending Lesnar into the barrier. Rollins dives out again and sends Lesnar into the barrier again but he's still standing. Rollins goes back in for a dive but Lesnar hurries in the ring and meets him with a belly to belly suplex, which JBL calls #7. Lesnar hits #8 and holds it, then hitting #i9 and holding it, then hitting #10. Lesnar grabs Rollins for #11 and hits it. Lesnar with a big slap to the face and suplex #12. Rollins slaps Lesnar from his knees now. Lesnar kicks him and hits #13.


Lesnar nails a F5 and covers but The Undertaker's bells toll. The lights go out and when they come back on, The Undertaker is standing in the ring staring at Lesnar. They trade counters and Taker hits a chokeslam and then a Tombstone. Fans chant Taker's name as he goes to leave the ring. He comes back in and hits another Tombstone as Heyman looks on. Fans want one more but Taker drops to one knee and does his signature pose as his music hits and the lights go out. Taker makes his way towards the back and stops to raise one fist in the air as the crowd pops. Battleground goes off the air.

