Celebrity Tweets New NXT Star About Using His Name

Independent star Uhaa Nation will make his debut this month at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn. It was revealed on this week's episode of NXT that Nation's name had been changed to Apollo Crews.

See Also: Apollo Crews WWE NXT Vignette

Many assumed the name was a reference to Rocky character Apollo Creed, as well as celebrity Terry Crews. Crews is of that belief as well it seems, as he tweeted Nation about the name change.

"Love the new name! Represent it well," Crews said on Twitter Thursday.

Crews also had a brief pro wrestling tie in when he was a cast member of BattleDome. The show worked a short-lived cross promotional deal with WCW, where Crews appeared. You can see video of that above. You can also see Crews' tweet to the former Uhaa Nation below.

