Darren Young Relationship Drama, HBK Episode With JBL And Michael Cole Airing, Five Things

- The latest WWE Five Things video looks at Superstars who stole The Undertaker's urn.

- The episode of Shawn Michaels' MacMillan River Adventures with JBL and Michael Cole participating in the Bermuda Billfish Blast and Marlin World Cup will air on The Outdoor Channel today at 12:30pm and then three times this Saturday – 7am, 10:30am and 8:30pm. JBL commented to Bermuda News:

"I had been after Shawn and Keith [Mark] to come to Bermuda because of the incredible fishing here. They both agreed but they also wanted to do something on the work that Beyond Rugby Bermuda does with the local youth. I was honored they wanted to highlight that part of what we do here in Bermuda."

- After airing dirty laundry with a Total Divas cameraman earlier on Twitter and receiving ton of fan backlash as a result, Darren Young is back at it on Twitter again today. He wrote the following:

