Kayfabe Makes The Dictionary, Mark Henry On Tour, Update On WWE And Stephen Amell Raising Money
- Mark Henry is currently on his way to India to do promotional work for WWE.
- Oxford Dictionaries has released their annual list of pop culture words added to their dictionary and kayfabe has made it this year. They wrote:
"Probably not familiar to those outside the world of pro wrestling, the term kayfabe refers to 'the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic'. The origin of the word is uncertain, although it is often said to have arisen in American travelling carnivals. The word has been interpreted by some as being an alteration of 'be fake' backwards, while the -ay- element is typical of the way words are formed in Pig Latin."
- Regarding the t-shirt that WWE and Stephen Amell collaborated on for SummerSlam to benefit the Emily's House charity, the actual amount that's going to the charity is $228,867.60. Amell tweeted:
Our campaign for Emily's House in Toronto raised $228,867.60 (USD) in just under 6 days.
— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) August 27, 2015