Tough Enough Coaches Bury ZZ, Talk About Their Favorites On The Show So Far, Who Has "It," More

- WWE posted several Tough Enough videos, including one of coaches Lita, Billy Gunn and Booker T talking about which male competitors have it in them to become stars. The three really bury ZZ and put over Josh, saying he's the favorite now. As we noted last week, WWE reportedly wants ZZ gone from the competition.

You can see the video above, and don't forget to join us for live Tough Enough coverage tonight.

See Also: Vince McMahon's Favorite WWE Tough Enough Competitor, WWE Wanting ZZ Gone

The coaches also talk about which female contestants have the "it" factor as well. The race between the female competitors seems to be much closer than that of the males, as the coaches have positive things to say about everyone. You can see that clip below.

Finally, WWE released a digital extra showing the cast talking about teamwork, which you can see below.

