Velvet Sky Talks Her First Day With TNA, EC3 Compares Bad Coffee To Robbie E Match, TNA PPV Preview

- TNA has released a new edition of My First Day, with the fifth episode featuring decorated TNA Knockout Velvet Sky. Velvet Sky said that we was incredibly intimidated getting in the ring with Awesome Kong for her first TNA match.

You can see the full video above.

- TNA has also posted a preview of their new One Night Only pay-per-view, which has a Gut Check theme. The winner of the tournament earns a TNA contract. You can check out the video below.

See Also: EC3 Talks TNA Title Win, Who Was The First To Hug Him, Kurt Angle's Talk After The Match, More

- TNA World Champion Ethan Carter III also has a Youtube show title Fireside Chat. In this episode he talks about how disgusting his coffee is, and compares it to a Robbie E match. You can see the video below.

