Backstage Talk On TNA And Parent Company Panda Energy, More On Internal Changes And Pay

- We noted earlier that TNA's legal and payroll departments were moving from parent company Panda Energy in Texas to the TNA offices in Nashville. This move may actually help with some of the issues they've had lately as previously when they needed to cut a check, they had to send invoices, that were often scrutinized, to the offices in Texas before checks were cut and mailed back.

Due to Panda's normal business and TNA not always being a priority, this arrangement led to pay delays. There was one instance when Panda relocated offices and TNA's payroll department was closed for a few weeks.

Regarding the pay delays that were rumored last week and blamed on this latest internal change, it was reportedly talents that were paid late but all pay should have been caught up as of today.

With TNA legal and payroll moving to Nashville, the idea is that things will move along a lot better within the company. There have been a lot of rumors about Panda possibly moving away from TNA but PWInsider notes that word is they will still own the company but TNA will operate more independently.

