Eva Marie Taking Clients, Big Match For Next Week's WWE NXT, John Cena Note, WWE 2K16 Video

- The WWE 2K16 developers posted this video of a Triple Threat match in action.

- John Cena granted another Make-A-Wish wish before Monday's RAW in Tampa, #501. WWE Community has photos at this link of Cena's meeting with Wish Kid Spencer.

- The Samoa Joe and Finn Balor vs. The Lucha Dragons match in the NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic has been confirmed for next Wednesday's episode.

- Eva Marie and her husband are now taking online clients to help them get in shape and manage a healthy lifestyle. She posted the following details on Instagram:

READ BELOW! IM NOW TAKING ONLINE CLIENTS! Ladies lets get you on track to the body you have always wanted. – Hey everyone! Jonathan and I have been getting contacted via our website and email non stop about our nutrition and what we do to stay fit year round. Your nutrition is vital, and everything you put into your body makes a difference. We've teamed up with @DevinPhysique and his nutritionist team to bring you the best coaching, weight loss, and muscle building guidance around. We have created a new email where you can email me personally, and I will be working with you and our nutritionist to create a custom plan that suits your goals. We all start somewhere, and we are all capable of building the body we want. Email me now, I'll be on my laptop all night. – ??Weight Loss Plans ??Muscle Building Plans ?Natalie Eva Marie Bikini Plans ??Workout Plans ??Couples Plans – Email: NatalieEvaMarie@physiquemealplans.com

A photo posted by Natalie Eva Marie (@natalieevamarie) on

