Total Divas Recap: Nikki Goes On Vacation, Eva Marie's Problems, Naomi Tries Camping, More

Last week: Daniel Bryan lost his mind. This week: Nikki might be losing her mind too.

Eva's training with Brian Kendrick is continuing. Her wrestling career is taking up a lot of her time these days and it seems to be taking its toll on her marriage to Mr Eva. He feels neglected and left out. It gets to point where he even threatens to throw both their phones out the car window just so they can get a bit of peace and quiet.

Honestly, I'd like to say Mr Eva is over-reacting here but considering the sky high divorce rate in wrestling he's probably right to be concerned.

Kendrick offers her thoughtful advice on how to balance her career and personal life and get her relationship back on track. Kendrick: Marriage Counselor. That could be a show on TLC.

Later, Eva Marie's mainstream profile gets a big boost when she's chosen to walk to with The Rock on the red carpet for his latest blockbuster action movie. (It's the one where he flexes his big muscles a lot and saves the world. Which seems like all of them, to be honest.) Eva tells an interviewer she can be like The Rock. She says this with a straight face so maybe she's a far better actress than people give her credit for.

Meanwhile Nikki is getting stressed. Being Divas champion is demanding, you know. I assume she's still trying to get her new fitness club/studio thingy off the ground, too.

She talks to Mark Carrano about feeling exhausted, but insists she doesn't want to give the belt up.

So she goes on vacation with Brie and Renee Young to Napa Valley to unwind, get a tan and drink some wine. Well, mostly drink wine. This is Nikki we're talking about. I kind of wish Renee had brought Dean along. Him going crazy in Napa would send the ratings through the roof.

We also get another "John Cena is the Nicest and Smartest Man in the World" segment where Cena urges Nikki to see a therapist to work through some of her problems. Hopefully the shrink will talk to her about the constant wine-drinking too. Is Dr Shelby still around?

I'm sure Cena is an affable, intelligent enough dude but these bits always come off as so forced and scripted, even by this show's standards. OK, we get it: He's amazing. He has the answer to every problem ever. He probably knows how to fix global warming too. Nikki just has to ask.

In a subplot, Naomi and her family go camping. See, I thought Naomi and Jimmy were cool, but willingly going camping has taken them down a few notches in my book.

It's kind of a disaster at first and Naomi and Jimmy start bickering and arguing but, in true sitcom style, they make up by the end and end up having a nice vacation. I'm a little surprised WWE didn't film Cena randomly dropping in via his jet pack, encouraging Naomi and Jimmy to work out their problems then announce he has a burning orphanage in India to save before taking off again as the couple waves him goodbye.

Next week: Paige gets a marriage proposal. Presumably she will get advice from Cena before answering yes or no.

