WWE NXT Recap (9/16): Major Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Match, Bayley, Apollo Crews, Sasha Banks

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live NXT Viewing Party. Please enter your ongoing feedback of tonight's show in the 'Comments' section below. Tonight's show features the return of Adam Rose.

- Adam Rose says he's going to take a "hot steaming poop" on our party. Bull Dempsey comes out with a mic and says he's going to beat up Breeze, then uses Tyler's taunt. Breeze says Bull's birth was an accident, and he'd love to beat Bull up. Dempsey asks Adam Rose to leave. Adam Rose slaps Bull and says he's going to poop on his party.

Bull sends Rose from the ring and goes after Breeze, who manages to dip out of the ring and run away. Bull asks for a match, but no dice. Backstage, Breeze agrees. Ok.

Tye Dillinger vs. Danny Burch (Martin Stone)

The two trade holds, which ends in Dillinger taunting Burks. Burch elbows Dillinger and mocks him, before applying a top wristlock. Dillinger busts out and lands a clothesline, followed by a few stomps. Dillinger drops Burch's face across his knee for the win.

Winner: Tye Dillinger via pinfall (knee to the face)

- Corbin and Rhyno say they're not worried about Gargano and Ciampa tonight.

- Asuka vignette, which says she'll debut next week.

Apollo Crews vs. Solomon Crowe

Crews and Crowe shake hands, but Crowe gets mad and refuses another after Crews gets the better of him. Crowe catches Crews in the apron and pummels him. After getting worked over for a couple of minutes, Crews battles back with clotheslines and a dropkick. Press slam and a standing moonsault win it.

Winner: Apollo Crews via pinfall (standing moonsault)

- Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano are backstage, and say they're going to keep turning heads.

- Emma and Dana Brooke cut an awkward promo about "playtime" being over.

- Sasha Banks is shown arriving at the arena.

- We get an update on the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. The Vaudevillians are shown beating Blake and Murphy. They'll face Dawson and Wilder this week in Texas, which we'll see next week.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tournament Quarterfinal
Rhyno & Baron Corbin vs. Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano

Ciampa chops the hell out of Rhyno before he's caught with an elbow. Ciampa answers with a clothesline, and then he and Gargano double team Rhyno with knees. Corbin and Rhyno get sent outside and Gargano lands suicide dives, then Ciampa scores a cross body press. Back inside, Rhyno is hit with a knee/enziguri combo.

Corbin catches Ciampa with a swinging slam, which leads to Ciampa getting worked over by the heels. Ciampa fights back with a big missile dropkick to Rhyno, and gets the tag to Gargano, who runs wild. Gargano avoids a Gore but eats End of Days.

Winners: Baron Corbin & Rhyno via pinfall (End of Days)

- Blake, Murphy and Alexa Bliss show up backstage and tell The Vaudevillians that they get their championship rematch next week.

Bayley vs. Sarah Dobson

Dobson connects with a carthweel kneedrop early, and applies a guillotine. Bayley busts out and hits big double axe handles and shoulders in the corner before a suplex. Bayley-to-Belly, win.

Winner: Bayley via pinfall (Bayley-to-Belly)

Bayley gets on the mic, but Sasha Banks shows up and interrupts her. Sasha says she's here to congratulate Bayley. She said she didn't come to NXT to put on good matches or steal the show, she came to be the best, and says Bayley was only better for three seconds. Bayley says she can have a rematch whenever she wants. William Regal comes out and makes the re-match for NXT TakeOver: Respect, and they'll be in a main event IronWoman match.

