Jim Cornette Calls Kenny King "The Biggest Lying Piece Of Sh-T," Talks Wrestlers And Ring Rats

Recently on The Jim Cornette Experience, Cornette talked about why women do not watch professional wrestling anymore as well as Kenny King's 2012 Ring of Honor departure. According to Cornette women no longer attend professional wrestling events because the wrestlers do not have sex with the fans anymore.


"Women came because then they got turned on by [wrestlers] beating the s–t out of each other, then they knew where the hotel was, or either in the back parking lot, or car, or in a broom closet in the arena, or at the hotel, these same hot young guys, who were scantily dressed, would f–k the dog s–t out of these women and they would tell their friends and more women would come next week and it fed on itself."

Cornette went on to say that, nowadays, wrestlers no longer service the units, as the saying goes.

"The young guys now go back to their f–king hotel and play video games instead of trolling for [ring] rats because there aren't any to begin with."

Also, Cornette shared a story about having to tell the performers at Smoky Mountain Wrestling to have sex with fans as a means of drumming up business.


"I had to have a meeting one time in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and this was instigated by our friend, Lance Storm, and his partner in crime, Chris Jericho, because Lance was married and Chris was picky," Cornette continued, "I said, 'guys, you're not f–king the rats! We got no women coming because nobody's f–king them besides for the Rock 'n' Roll Express, who were doing more than their fair share. The heels are f–king more of the rats than the babyfaces and it's bulls–t and we need to get some business going here!' and everybody looked at me like I had turds hanging out of my mouth."

As for King's 2012 ROH departure, Cornette said that "Kenny King is the biggest lying sack of s–t in professional wrestling" and that the biggest mistake Cornette made during his tenure with Ring of Honor was believing Kenny King and trusting him on a handshake agreement. Cornette claimed that he wanted to put the tag team titles on the All Night Express, King and Rhett Titus, at the Best In The World 2012: Hostage Crisis event; however, King's contract with ROH was set to expire that month.

"He was a mark for himself. He had to win the f–king belts. He didn't care about the company. He didn't care about his [tag team] partner. He didn't care about us. He didn't care about the deal he shook hands on. He didn't care about anything else but 'I'm going to win the belts before I leave and then I'm going to try to go down there [to TNA] and get a guaranteed contract and f–k whatever word I've given because I'm no good', because, did I mention, he's a professional stripper who shakes his dick in front of people for money."


Prior to the Best In The World 2012 pay-per-view, Cornette and ROH booker Hunter Johnston approached King about a new contract. King indicated that he did not want to sign a long term deal because he might have a chance to sign with TNA. Cornette and Johnston offered King a 90-day contract extension that would permit King to negotiate a deal with TNA. King told Cornette and Johnston it was a good deal and they shook hands.

"So we made that deal and we went to Best In The World, in New York, and the contract was there. I believe, Hunter had it, on paper, in his briefcase, and gave it to Kenny. And, of course, it's a pay-per-view, and it's New York, and we're understaffed, we're overstressed, and, basically, this was my fault, because I was the one who was supposed to be in charge of talent even though Hunter was the booker, it was my fault, I should have made sure the contract was signed, but we got distracted. I didn't think about it."

After the pay-per-view, Cornette tried to get King to sign the contract extension, but King refused. Cornette acknowledged that he should have known better at that time and had King drop the tag titles at the ROH house shows or television tapings.

"So anyway, the guy does TV. The last thing we said to him, I said, 'Kenny, you can talk to [TNA], so you get your deal. Let us know what's going on. The only thing that you cannot do is work on a show in front of fans. You can even do a tryout if you want to, before the doors open. Don't work on a show in front of the people while you still have our belts because that will be your instant notice and we'll all be in a lot of f–king trouble.'"


A few days later, Johnston called Cornette to inform him that King was at Universal Studios for the TNA television taping.

"So he did work that night and we immediately put up on the goddamn website that he had gone back on an agreement that we had, were stripped of the belts, and blah, blah, blah."

On King's recent return to ROH, Cornette said King should not have been allowed to come back.

"I don't think [Johnston] should have allowed this. I think he made a mistake because I think that sets a bad precedent because I think it tells everybody that we can lie and we can f–k people around and we can come back any time."

In addition to these topics, Cornette also discussed Vince McMahon's greatest flaw on this episode of the Jim Cornette Experience. Click here to listen to the rest of the show.

Source: The Jim Cornette Experience

