Vince Russo's "Nuclear Heat": Why Traditional Fans Are Tuning Out, NXT, His WWE And TNA Departures
In this episode of Nuclear Heat right here on, Vince closely examines why not only casual television viewers, but also traditional wrestling fans have tuned out to the wrestling product over the years. Has the game changed? If so – why, and what does the business have to do to return to the prominence it once achieved? Russo also talked about:
- When he stopped watching WWE and why he started watching again
- If he is bitter over his WWE and TNA departures
- WWE not creating new superstars
- If he is a fan of NXT
- NXT fans
- Why casual AND traditional fans are tuning out of the current product
and more!
You can check out the full episode of Russo's podcast in the video above, or on our audio channel below. You can also download the episode directly by clicking here. If you want to subscribe to the Wrestling Inc. audio channel, you can do so through iTunes as well as our RSS feed, which you can use to subscribe through any podcast app.