Daniel Bryan Replaces Seth Rollins At Car Show, Kurt Angle On How Wrestling Can Become Less Stagnant

- Seth Rollins was scheduled to appear at the Houston Autorama in the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on Friday, November 27th. Following his injury, he has been replaced by Daniel Bryan, who will be appearing from 6 to 8 p.m. You can get more details by clicking here.


- The Nottingham Post has an interview with Kurt Angle, who was promoting his Q&A sessions that kick off this Wednesday in London. During the interview, Angle said that he'd like to bring back kayfabe.

"Wrestling is always changing. There is no shortage of talent out there," Angle said. "It's an industry that goes in cycles. It's a little stagnant now. Something needs to change. I was talking to my wife about it. I think it would be good to go back to kayfabe. When you lifted the curtain and showed people backstage it was new and intriguing, but if you go back to how it was, it could be the change wrestling needs."

See Also: Kurt Angle Talks To Wrestling Inc. About If WWE Is Still An Option, Leaving TNA, If He Would Wrestle Brock Lesnar Again, More


Angle also talked about his early WWE run, his shows in the U.L. and more. You can check out the full interview by clicking here.

