Ric Flair's Podcast Co-Host Says That Charlotte Did Not Come Up With Controversial Angle
WWE issued a statement earlier this evening about Monday night's controversial angle between Charlotte and Paige, where Charlotte's deceased brother Reid was brought up during the main event segment. WWE accepted responsibility for the angle.
It was speculated earlier that the WWE would insist that Charlotte herself had pushed for the angle, which ended up not being the case. Conrad Thompson, who co-hosts Ric Flair's Wooo! Nation on the CBS Radio Play.it podcast network told us that Charlotte absolutely didn't come up with the angle.
"The reports that Charlotte was the one who came up with the idea to get heat using her brother's death are 100% false," Conrad said.
Ric Flair admittedly got very emotional during the segment, and said that he wasn't approached before or after about the angle. Reid's mother was also upset about it.
You can see Conrad Thompson's tweet to us below.
@SeanRossSapp The reports that Charlotte was the one who came up with the idea to get heat using her brother's death are 100% false.
? Conrad Thompson (@HeyHeyItsConrad) November 19, 2015