TNA Still Trying To Sign Big Names, Conflicting Reports On Brooke Tessmacher's TNA Status

- There's a lot of uncertainty surrounding Brooke Tessmacher's TNA status it appears. She indicated on Twitter this past week that she was leaving the company but then it was reported that she was still under contract. TNA reportedly wanted to bring her on the upcoming India tour but she is not going, according to PWInsider. According to their report, she is still signed and it is not a contract issue that's keeping her from being used. TNA sources are saying she won't be wrestling any time soon.


Brooke tweeted the following this past week, indicating that she really is gone from the company. She has also been re-tweeting messages from fans about her not being on TV anymore.

- We noted last week how Bill Goldberg told Channel Guide Magazine that TNA recently contacted him with an offer to come in. The former World Heavyweight Champion isn't the only big name that TNA officials have reached out to over the last few weeks. We don't know for sure which stars they have contacted but TNA has been trying to sign a top star for a while now. They recently tried to sign The Young Bucks, who went with ROH, and Alberto Del Rio, who signed with WWE and won the United States Title.


Source: PWInsider Elite

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