WWE Smackdown Recap (11/19): Ambrose & Reigns Team Up, WWE Replays Controversial Angle, More
Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Smackdown coverage. This is the go-home show before Sunday's big Survivor Series show.
- Miz TV kicks off Smackdown, and Kevin Owens joins Miz. He says he's making it the Kevin Owens Show soon. Alberto Del Rio and Zeb come out and say that Miz's show is crap, and they're not falling for the divide and conquer strategy. Zeb makes fun of Owens for being from Canada. Zeb Colter asked if Kevin Owens snuck across the Canadian border by ice skating across Lake Michigan one night. Owens said that nobody missed ADR when he was gone, and they're interrupted by Ambrose.
Miz tells Ambrose that ADR and Owens were about to fight and get him ratings. Ambrose says he respects the system and says he'll become WWE Champion. Reigns comes out before he's introduced and Miz criticized him for it, because he keeps getting disrespected. Reigns says he'll shut Miz's mouth, but R-Truth comes out and says he's the underdog, a survivor and will win the WWE Title Tournament that he's not in. Miz tells him he's not in the tourney. Truth says "my bad," and leaves, wishing Reigns and Ambrose luck before he leaves. Miz is mad because nobody is following the format, and Ambrose punches him. The heels leave. This is a great segment. Miz has to wrestle next, but he wants the match canceled.
Cesaro vs. Miz
Cesaro is in control early, and applies a crossface. That's it. A winner is Cesaro.
Winner: Cesaro via submission (Crossface)
Cosmic Wasteland comes out and stares Cesaro down, but don't do anything.
Cosmic Wasteland vs. Neville & The Dudley Boyz
Neville dukes it out with Stardust until the falls outside the ring after Konnor pulls down the top rope. Stardust is in firm control as we go to a commercial. Neville is hung in the tree of woe, but gets the hot tag to Bubba Ray, who takes out all the heels. Wazzup headbutt on Konnor, but Bubba eats a Disaster Kick from Stardust. Neville soars over the top onto Konnor and The Dudleyz hit the 3D on Viktor for the win.
Winners: Neville & Dudley Boyz via pinfall (3D)
- We get a Wyatt Family/Brothers of Destruction video package.
Tyler Breeze (w/ Summer Rae) vs. Zack Ryder
Breeze insults Ryder and Ziggler, who comes out. Ziggler trashes Breeze's VIP area as Ryder dropkicks Breeze. Ryder is dropped face first into the second turnbuckle, but hits a facebuster and a couple of knees. Breeze dodges a dropkick and finishes Ryder with the Unprettier.
Winner: Tyler Breeze via pinfall (Unprettier)
Ziggler superkicks Breeze after the match, leaving him flat on the outside of the ring as Summer Rae tends to Breeze.
- The Wyatt Family comes out and teases who will face the Brothers of Destruction at Survivor Series, with the Druids ringside. After a few minutes of the usual Wyatt promo, Undertaker shows up on the TitanTron and says he'll meet the Wyatts at Survivor Series and they'll Rest...in...peace.
- WWE replays the controversial angle between Paige and Charlotte from Monday.
Charlotte vs. Brie Bella (w/ Alicia Fox)
Charlotte rolls Bella up early, then uses her headscissors takover. Brie Bella comes back and uses the Daniel Bryan kicks, but misses the third and gets taken out. The two trade strikes until Charlotte drops Bella with a chop. A neckbreaker and a big boot from Charlotte get a two, but she misses a knee drop before scoring with a spear. Figure 8 from Charlotte, submission win.
Winner: Charlotte via submission (Figure 8)
- Paige is backstage with Renee Young, where she insults Renee and says that Charlotte is immature for flying off the handle Monday. She says she's a true champion and Charlotte isn't.
- New Day comes out and makes fun of Lucha Dragons, with Xavier putting on a mask. The Dragons interrupt them
Big E vs. Kalisto (w/ Sin Cara)
Kalisto hits a big spinning body press and the spiked rana as all hell breaks loose outside the ring. Big E takes advantage and runs over Kalisto, then hits a big splash for the win.
Winnner: Big E via pinfall (big splash)
New Day attacks Kalisto after the match, but Ryback makes the save and takes New Day out.
- We see Maria Menounos interviewing Paige and Miz about Santa's Little Helper. Paige plays a heel in this, and Miz acts professional. Paige walks out of the interview.
- Reigns and Ambrose are backstage being buddy-buddy talking about facing each other at Survivor Series in the finals.
Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. Alberto Del Rio & Kevin Owens (w/ Zeb Colter)
Ambrose and Del Rio duke it out, but Del Rio lands a kick, and then sends Dean into the ringside guardail. Owens picks up the pieces with a senton, but only gets two. The heels work Ambrose over in their corner, with Del Rio DDTing him into the mat. Ambrose survives a backstabber and tags Reigns, who goes crazy with clotheslines before eating an Owens superkick.
Ambrose saves Reigns and suicide dives Owens, then hits a turnaround clothesline to ADR. Reigns Superman punches Owens, but Del Rio tosses him into the stairs for a DQ.
Winners: Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose via DQ
After the match Reigns & Ambrose stand tall as they take out the heels.