Brie Bella On Nikki Bella And WWE Diva Of The Year, WWE Royal Rumble Promo, WWE Stock Update

- Above is a promo for the 2016 WWE Royal Rumble from Orlando.

- WWE stock was up 0.35% today, closing at $17.26 per share. Today's high was $17.40 and the low was $16.87.

- Brie Bella posted the following on tonight's Slammy Award for WWE Diva of the Year and her sister Nikki Bella:

When I look at the past year I see hard work, dedication, never giving up, never listening to the word no, taking chances, constantly wanting to learn and making a mark in the women's division....she's our longest reigning Diva's Champ for a reason....and not because she's my sister, but I'm definitely going to vote @thenikkibella for Diva of the Year. Let's make it happen #BellaArmy tonight at the #Slammys #NikkiBella

