WWE TLC: Sasha Banks Vs. Becky Lynch (Kickoff Pre-Show)

- The 2015 WWE TLC Kickoff Pre-show opens with Renee Young, Corey Graves, Booker T and Byron Saxton. We get hype for The Wyatt Family vs. the ECW Originals. Saxton predicts Team ECW will win tonight. We get more discussion on tonight's show and the WWE Intercontinental Title match. We get a backstage segment with The Usos getting each other hype until The Lucha Dragons come in. They have words until two men bring in Christmas gifts from their Secret Santas. It's a bunch of merchandise from WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. The Usos and The Lucha Dragons agree on one thing – The New Day won't leave with the titles.


- Ric Flair is backstage talking on the phone, telling someone he's here to see Charlotte style and profile all over Paige, who appears and accuses Flair of always hogging the spotlight. Flair says he has a glow around him that never leaves. Paige taunts him for the slap she delivered last Monday. Flair says she wasn't the first or last woman to slap him. Paige says she's going to give Flair the chance to finally be there for his daughter tonight when she's crying after losing her title. We go back to the panel for more discussion. We see video from earlier today where Jack Swagger says he's also fighting for Zeb Colter tonight, not just the United States Title. Swagger says every time he hits Alberto Del Rio with a steel chair, it will be for Zeb and We The People.


Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

We go to the ring with Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL. Hometown star Sasha Banks makes her way out with Team BAD partners Naomi and Tamina Snuka. They do a WWE version of the 12 Days of Christmas and it's pretty ridiculous. The crowd agrees as they went from chanting for Sasha to booing. Becky Lynch is out next to a pop.

They lock up and trade holds. They go at it coming out of the corner and trade pin attempts. Sasha drops Becky with a shoulder and shows off to a big pop. Becky comes back and Sasha gets dropped on her face hard. Sasha avoids the Disarm Her. Sasha gets back to her feet and hits a big shot to the face. More back and forth. Becky with arm drags into an armbar. Becky ducks a clothesline and ends up rolling Sasha for 2. More back and forth until Becky takes Sasha down into another armbar.

Sasha tries to make another comeback but Becky takes her back down by the arm. Sasha finally takes control thanks to an assist from Team BAD as we go to commercials. Lots of back and forth after the break. Sasha gets frustrated and slaps Becky. Becky fires right back and hits a huge exploder suplex after some back and forth. Becky for a 2 count.

Becky gets kicked in the mouth but applies Disarm Her. Sasha rolls through but Becky ends up getting it locked in again. Tamina distracts the referee while Naomi kicks Becky. Sasha takes advantage and makes Becky tap with the Banks Statement.


Winner: Sasha Banks

- After the match, Team BAD celebrates in the ring as we go to replays. Back to the panel.

- We go back to Tom Phillips in the social media lounge with Alberto Del Rio. He says he returned to WWE because WWE is the place to be and he's a real fighter so he's here. He says more titles are about to come and that's a promise, the United States Title is the first step. He says he's not scared of Jack Swagger because he's better in every single category. He says just being Mexican makes him better because Swagger is American. He's going to destroy Swagger tonight. He says he joined the League of Nations because they're the best wrestlers in the country and most importantly, they're not Americans. He says they're here to take titles and people will be talking about them for years to come. In regards to Zeb Colter and MexAmerica, Del Rio says it didn't work because he trusted an American. He takes his mics off and walks out of the interview.

- We go back to the panel for more discussion on tonight's main event. The League of Nations is backstage and Lana is with them now. Sheamus welcomes them to TLC and they all talk about dominating tonight, even King Barrett. Sheamus brings up Conor McGregor's big UFC win last night. They get hype for tonight's show and that's it for the Kickoff.

