Kofi Kingston Puts Over Tyler Breeze, English Soccer Star Interviews Finn Balor (Video), MTV - WWE

- In the video above, English professional footballer Kyle Walker of the Tottenham Hotspur interviews NXT Champion Finn Balor. In the short interview, Walker asked Balor about getting his start in pro wrestling, why he is in the U.K. and if he [Walker] would make it in WWE. Balor was also asked if he would prefer being a WWE wrestler, or a footballer for the Spurs.

"I guess I've already lived my dream and I've already wrestled for the WWE, so I've never had a game for Spur so I'd definitely love to have one game for Spurs," Balor replied.

See Also: Triple H Talks About Finn Balor Asking For Permission Before Tweeting TNA Photo, Why They Were There

- MTV has an article here listing 11 reasons why your girlfriend loves pro wrestling, but just doesn't know it yet. Some of the reasons listed include the fake drama, the real drama, the changing role of women, the eye candy and Renee Young.

- The Corpus Christi Caller Times has an interview with Kofi Kingston, who was promoting tomorrow's WWE live event at the American Bank Center arena in Corpus Christi, TX. During the interview, Kingston was asked about his innovative spots in battle-royal style matches.

"I saw an opportunity there to do some special things," Kingston said. "It gets harder and harder for me to find new things that have never seen before. We have so many great athletes in WWE these days, so many innovators, so many great characters. Tyler Breeze, for example, is a great character who's up and coming. You have a lot of guys who are just trying to push the limit. The Battle Royal and the Royal Rumble's the place that I thought that I could push limits. When you see those elimination avoidances ? it's just an opportunity to be different and be memorable."

