Ryback Plans To Pitch WrestleMania Idea To Vince McMahon; Talks Dream Matches, Brock Lesnar, HHH

WWE's Ryback participated in a media conference call this morning to promote WWE SmackDown's move to USA Network, which Wrestling Inc. was on hand for. Among other things, Ryback talked about his dream opponents and his idea for WrestleMania 32.

According to Ryback, The Undertaker, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar are the WWE Superstars he would still like to face off against.

"I've always said Undertaker is a guy I'd love to be in the ring with. The knowledge that he has, and he is one of the all time greats, and a future WWE Hall of Famer, and just legend. To be able to pick his brain, to be in the ring and be able to see how he operates, and what he does in certain situations. And also Triple H is another one, which I'm keeping alive through my dreams that I'll get the opportunity to step into the ring with him. Brock Lesnar is another guy who I believe I can bring out the best in him and he can bring out the best in me from a competitive standpoint, so those are a few match ups that I'm holding onto that I have the possibility to create in the WWE Universe."

Ryback indicated that he will pitch a WrestleMania 32 angle to Vince McMahon in the coming weeks.

"I do have an opponent in mind. I'm hopefully going to sit down with Vince in the next week or two, before the Royal Rumble, to discuss that with him because I have a very cool, innovative idea that I feel like the WWE Universe would be very receptive to from a storyline standpoint moving into WrestleMania."

'The Big Guy' stated that he will not settle for being relegated to the WrestleMania 32 Preshow or a participant in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Ryback acknowledged that there are only so many spots on the WrestleMania card, but he will fight tooth and nail to make it to the main card.

"From a talent standpoint, I fully expect to play a huge part this year and I expect nothing less. I don't expect to be on the Preshow or not on the show [at all]. I fully expect to be on the show and in a major angle doing something and having a huge WrestleMania moment, not only for myself, but also for the talent I'm in the ring with." Ryback continued, "being in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal is a huge honor, but from a competitive standpoint, and a talent standpoint, and the Ryback brand standpoint, and being on each and every show every year, and getting one of, if not the best, receptions on the WWE live events each and every night and going out there and delivering, I fully expect to be represented on the WWE WrestleMania 32 [card]."

We will have more about Ryback's media conference call and WWE SmackDown's move to USA Network in the coming days here at WrestlingINC.com.

