ESPN Personality Not Happy With Steve Austin's Titus O'Neil Comment, The Rock, New Day Hypes Game
- WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are featured in this video to hype the latest update for the WWE SuperCard mobile game.
- The Rock noted on Twitter that he just finished voice work for a new Under Armour commercial coming out soon.
- ESPN's Bomani Jones wasn't pleased with Steve Austin using the term "shucking and jiving" when discussing the Titus O'Neil – Vince McMahon incident that led to Titus being suspended and fined. On his podcast, Austin said, "'s not a time to be shucking and jiving out there, so lay some type of punishment down, fine him this, that or whatever. I don't know, something was inappropriate." Austin went on to shoot down claims that Titus was suspended because of racism.
Jones called it an "unfortunate choice of words" and also wrote the following on Twitter in response, "when you try to say something wasn't racist, but you say 'shucking and jiving.' that's unfortunate."