"Meet The Press" Host Channels Ric Flair, Makes Series Of WWE References To Describe Republican Race

Meet The Press host Chuck Todd made a series of Ric Flair / WWE references over the past several days when describing last Thursday's chaotic Republican Presidential debate and Republican front runner Donald Trump.

"With [Marco] Rubio doing what he did, it's sort of the Ric Flair mindset, if you wanna beat the man, you've gotta be the man," Todd said on the panel during Meet The Press this morning.

While Todd skewered Flair's signature catchphrase this morning, he got it right when opening Meet The Press Daily this past Friday.

"The man dominating the Republican race is a WWE Hall of Famer," Todd said. "So is 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair, and Marco Rubio apparently knows what Ric Flair has always said... 'If you wanna be the man, you've gotta beat the man! Walk that aisle baby, Whooo!!!'"

See Also: Ric Flair Says Nothing Can Save TNA, Talks How Much It Would Cost To Compete With WWE

Todd also name dropped WWE after Trump's post-debate interview this past Thursday:

