Mike Bennett On Wanting To Do For TNA What Steve Austin Did For WWE, LGBT Issues And Having Gay Fans
"The Miracle" Mike Bennett was recently interviewed by Party Foul Radio with Pollo and Pearl to promote Impact Wrestling airing on Pop TV on Tuesday nights. Below are a few highlights, via The Huffington Post:
Wanting to do for TNA what Steve Austin did for WWE:
"I want to be to TNA what 'Stone Cold' was to WWE during the Attitude Era... Whether they say it to me directly or not, I see coming to TNA as me taking the company, putting it on my back and charging forward.
"They [WWE] were struggling. They were struggling. They were struggling. Then he came, and they shot forward. I want to be that version. I want to come into TNA, and it to be 'Must-See TV' on Pop!"
Having a gay friend who told him that he couldn't come out to his parents:
"I was like, 'Wow!' I was naïve to it. It blew my mind! I didn't know any of this existed. I have always accepted everyone for who they are, how they want to be and want to live. I don't care."
Having male admirers:
"If I came on [the podcast] and said, 'I love women's volleyball... for the sole purpose that it's pretty girls wearing short-shorts,' I don't think anyone would bat an eye. For some reason, though, when the roles are reversed, it's like, 'How dare you?' I don't get it. Obviously, that's not the sole reason [gay men] love [wrestling], but even if it was... so what?"
Source: The Huffington Post