Video: Was Roman Reigns Really Busted Open On WWE RAW?

As seen in the video above, Roman Reigns was bloodied and battered at the conclusion of last night's RAW. Reigns was seemingly busted open at the 3:!0 mark of the video above after Triple H repeatedly slammed Reigns' head into the announce table.

Facebook user NightSneak Jamez Wood posted the video below showing another angle of Reigns getting bloodied. While on television the camera cut away from Reigns to Triple H, in the video below, it appeared as if Byron Saxton handed Reigns something like a blood capsule before Triple H resumed the beating. You can check it out at the 0:20 mark in the video below:

Triple H giving the business. #nightsneak_jamez #detroit #timetoplaythegame

Posted by Jamez Wood on Monday, February 22, 2016

