WWE Fastlane: Brock Lesnar Vs. Roman Reigns Vs. Dean Ambrose (#1 Contenders Triple Threat)

The following is from our WWE Fastlane live coverage. Full WWE Fastlane results are here.

Triple Threat for the #1 Contendership: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose

The winner of this match will face WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H at WrestleMania 32. We go to the ring and out comes Dean Ambrose first to a pop. Roman Reigns is out next through the crowd. Brock Lesnar's music hits to a big pop and out he comes with Paul Heyman and the pyro.


Everyone looks ready to fight as we get formal ring introductions from Lilian. Reigns gets pretty significant boos. Heyman does the introduction for Lesnar. The bell rings and Lesnar rams Ambrose into the corner. Reigns attacks Lesnar from behind. Lesnar fights him off with knees. Lesnar knocks Ambrose off the apron. Lesnar catches Reigns with a big German suplex. Reigns lands on the back of his neck. Lesnar with thrusts in the corner. Ambrose comes from behind but Lesnar shoves him and hits a big clothesline, sending Ambrose to the floor. Lesnar goes back to work on Reigns in the corner. Another German for Reigns. Ambrose comes off the top with a missile dropkick to the back of the neck of Lesnar. Ambrose tries for a German on Lesnar but it's blocked. Lesnar nails a belly-to-belly on Ambrose.


Lesnar launches Reigns into the barrier. Ambrose dives out but Lesnar catches him in mid-air and drops him on his head on the floor. Lesnar brings Reigns back in as fans chant for Suplex City. Another German for Reigns, and another. Fans cheer as Lesnar bounces around. Lesnar nails a F5 and covers for 2 as Ambrose leaps in and breaks the pin. Lesnar looks at Ambrose and smiles. Ambrose slaps Lesnar. Lesnar unloads and sends him to the mat. Lesnar with a big knee to the ribs. Lesnar with a German for Ambrose, and another.

Reigns is still down on the floor as Lesnar hits the fifth German on Ambrose. Lesnar scoops Ambrose for a F5 but Reigns runs in and spears him. Reigns with a close 2 count on Lesnar. Lesnar struggles to get up. Reigns nails a Superman punch. Lesnar rolls to the floor. Reigns follows and leaps off the steel steps but Lesnar catches him on his shoulders. Lesnar goes for a F5 on top of the announce table but Ambrose nails a big low blow from behind and Lesnar goes down. Heyman throws a fit. Ambrose smiles at Reigns. Ambrose takes apart the announce table. Reigns joins him as they stand over Lesnar and appear to be working together again. They powerbomb Lesnar through the announce table to a big pop. Fans chant "holy s–t" as Lesnar is laid out.


Ambrose finally sends Reigns into the steel steps and brings it in the ring. Ambrose takes him down and they go at it. Ambrose with a shot in the corner and the running bulldog. Ambrose goes to the top and hits the flying elbow for a close 2 count on Reigns. Reigns blocks a neckbreaker and nails a big right hand. They trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Ambrose unloads with punches and chops. Ambrose runs into a boot but bounces back with the big clotheslines. Lesnar starts moving at ringside as Heyman has been pleading with him. Ambrose and Reigns see this. Ambrose goes to ringside and starts beating on Lesnar. Reigns joins in. They launch Lesnar into the barrier and he hits with a big thud. Ambrose takes apart the main announce table now. They grab Lesnar and powerbomb him through a second announce table. Lesnar is down and in pain.

They bury Lesnar under a bunch of table pieces. Reigns nails Ambrose with a right hand out of nowhere. Reigns brings it back in the ring and unloads in the corner as fans boo and count along. Reigns drops Ambrose with a right but he gets right back up. Reigns rolls Ambrose up for 2 and lifts him for the powerbomb but Ambrose hangs on and nails elbows to the head. Ambrose ends up coming off the second rope but falls on a Superman punch instead. Fans boo as Reigns readies for the spear. Ambrose gets his knee up instead. Reigns charges and Ambrose sends him into the ring post. Ambrose with Dirty Deeds on Reigns for a close 2 count as fans lose it.


Fans chant "this is awesome" as Ambrose points at the WrestleMania sign. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds but it's blocked. Ambrose is on Reigns' shoulders when Lesnar runs in and hits a German on both of them at the same time. Fans pop big time again. Reigns spears Lesnar when he gets up. Lesnar pulls Reigns into the Kimura Lock in the middle of the ring. Reigns powers to his feet while Lesnar still has the hold locked. Ambrose comes in with three chair shots to Lesnar, breaking the hold. Ambrose unloads with the chair on Lesnar. He turns to Reigns and beats on him with the chair. Back to Lesnar with chair shots. Lesnar rolls to the floor. Ambrose turns around to a spear from Reigns for the win.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Roman Reigns

After the match, Reigns recovers as we go to replays. We come back to Reigns celebrating. The pyro goes off as he looks up at the WrestleMania 32 sign. The celebration is interrupted by Triple H's music. Out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion in a suit. He enters the ring and they stare each other down while circling. They stop and look up at the WrestleMania sign, then back at each other. Triple H raises the title up in Reigns' face as Fastlane goes off the air.

