Mauro Ranallo Working WrestleMania 32 Pre-Show, Finn Balor Teaser, WWE RAW Twitter Ratings

- Monday's RAW ranked #1 among series & specials for the night in Nielsen's Twitter TV ratings. RAW had a unique audience of 2.822 million, which represents the number of Twitter accounts that commented on the show. This is up from last week's 1.221 million. RAW had total impressions of 15.299 million, which represents the number of times tweets about the show were seen. This is up from last week's 9.022 million impressions.


- As noted, Mauro Ranallo will be on the WWE NXT "Takeover: Dallas" Kickoff pre-show panel with Renee Young and Lita. Mauro revealed on Twitter that he will also be calling the WrestleMania 32 Kickoff pre-show matches. He tweeted:

- WWE tweeted this teaser from WWE NXT Champion Finn Balor's WrestleMania 32 workout video:

