Finn Balor Set To Break WWE NXT Record, WWE 2K16 Sale, Nakamura Theme Cover, More

- Japanese violinist Kay Suzuki has posted a cover of Shinsuke Nakamura's WWE theme 'Rising Sun.' Suzuki likely inspired Shinsuke Nakamura's violin theme when her cover of 'Subconscious' went viral earlier this year. She's said that she hopes WWE will allow her to perform a theme live for Nakamura one day.

- The Steam store is offering WWE 2K16 on PC for 50% off today, at $24.95. You can check out the sale at this link.

See Also: Finn Balor Says Main Roster Might Be A 'Step Back'; Talks TNA Office Crotch Chop, 'Too Sweet'

- NXT Champion Finn Balor reached a milestone today, as he has now tied Adrian Neville for the longest NXT title reign of all time at 287 days. Not only will Balor break the record for his NXT Championship reign, but will have the longest reign in any WWE developmental territory for a top championship, including DSW, FCW, OVW, and HWA.

