Jeff Hardy Booked Against Jushin Thunder Liger, Balls Mahoney Shoot Interview (Video), Matt Hardy
- We noted that ECW original Balls Mahoney tragically passed away at the age of 44 last night. Title Match Wrestling is honoring him by posting his full, two hour shoot interview from 2003. It's a great watch, and you can check it out above.
See Also: Balls Mahoney Suffers Bad Fall Days Before His Death
- You guys asked for it, and former TNA and ECW Champion Matt Hardy gave it to you — an official form to send him hate mail. Hardy set up the form in true throwback fashion. If you're so inclined, you can now send Matt Hardy hate mail here.
- Jeff Hardy vs. Jushin Thunder Liger has been booked for NEW Wrestling on August 27 in New York. It's the first time the two have ever competed against each other.
Jushin Thunder Liger
Jeff Hardy enuhito(English) (@enuhito_eng) April 13, 2016