Kurt Angle Talks Backstage Fight With Eddie Guerrero, Which Wrestler Threatened Him, Triple H, WWE

Yes, it was another entertainment infested week over at PodcastOne.com and the RELMNetwork.com, as my listeners and viewers witnessed me flirting with actress Sabina Scuibba for FX's Baskets, tell an extremely intimate story about Sable's hand prints at Fully Loaded 98', bury Magnus for taking advantage of my kindness and wrap up the second part of my up-close and personal interview with my good friend Kurt Angle.
Here are some excerpts from that interview:


If he ever got into a backstage fight:

"It happened with Eddie Guerrero and it was a pretty quick fight. Eddie was pretty frustrated at the time. As talented as he was, his body was breaking down. He was in a car accident in the early 200s, then he had to go to rehab to get himself straightened out. When he got out he was doing great, but was still struggling physically and mentally – his body just wasn't holding up. Working with him he was always yelling and screaming afterwards say I was too stiff and I needed to take better care of him. After a while I just said, 'F-it, Eddie, if you have a problem with me let's go right now.' The fight didn't last long. I got him in a front headlock and started choking him out. (Laughing) The funny this is, JBL, who likes to stir things up, later asked Eddie, 'Why would you try to double leg an Olympic Gold Medalist?'"


Who almost took HIM out:

"One day 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams jacked me up while we were training at OVW and said, 'Listen, I can't have you doing this to me anymore. I'm 40 years old and if you don't stop this, my career is going to come to an end. So if you do it again—we're going to have to fight.' I had all the respect in the world for Dr. Death, he was a four-time collegiate All-American."

His relationship with Triple H:

"I haven't spoken to Triple H up until this day since I left WWE. My manager had a call with him about a year and a half ago and we were going to have a meeting. That meeting got canceled. I have to attribute that to my 4 DUIs in 5 years. I don't blame WWE for not want to do business with somebody that is that careless. Now I've been clean and sober for 3 years, but, you have to earn your trust back. I understand that."

Wanting closure with WWE:

"It's not about even wrestling for the WWE again, it's just having closure. Being able to have that meeting with Vince where everything is good, it's water under the bridge and we're good to go."

Kurt concludes his interview by talking excessively about the rise and fall of TNA, and contemplating whether or not he needs a vasectomy – at Vince's suggestion. You can listen to Vince Russo's THE BRAND on PodcastOne every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network. All the information is at RussosBrand.com.


